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September 25th

486 Notable birthdays

Will Smith

American actor and rapper (born 1968).

Born September 25th, 1968 (age 55 years) in Philadelphia.

Donald Glover

American actor, rapper, and producer (born 1983).

Born September 25th, 1983 (age 40 years) in Edwards Air Force Base.

Michael Douglas

American actor and producer.

Born September 25th, 1944 (age 79 years) in New Brunswick.

Mark Hamill

American actor.

Born September 25th, 1951 (age 72 years) in Oakland.

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Welsh actress.

Born September 25th, 1969 (age 54 years) in Swansea.

Ranbir Kapoor

Indian film actor.

Born September 25th, 1982 (age 41 years) in Mumbai.

Scottie Pippen

American basketball player.

Born September 25th, 1965 (age 58 years) in Hamburg. [ref]

Christopher Reeve

American actor, director, and activist (1952-2004).

Born September 25th, 1952 in New York City. [ref]

Died October 10th, 2004 at 52 years old in Mount Kisco (myocardial infarction, sepsis). [ref]

Annabelle Wallis

British actress.

Born September 25th, 1984 (age 39 years) in Oxford. [ref]


American rapper and actor from georgia.

Born September 25th, 1980 (age 43 years) in Atlanta.

birthdays 1 to 10 of 486

« 09/24
09/26 »

Our wrinkles are our medals of the passage of life. They are what we have been through and who we want to be. Lauren Hutton