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Birthdaypulse statistics

618,749 Notable birthdays
 in our database

Top birth days

3,100 January 1st
2,034 February 2nd
1,957 October 10th
1,949 February 14th
1,935 March 1st
1,930 February 22nd
1,919 March 3rd
1,914 December 12th
1,914 May 5th
1,891 April 4th

Top birth years

3,876 1924
3,859 1926
3,825 1925
3,824 1921
3,801 1930
3,798 1927
3,792 1928
3,774 1923
3,752 1920
3,725 1922

Birthdays by gender

498,707 Male
119,411 Female
338 Transgender Female
144 Non Binary
76 Transgender Male
19 Genderfluid
11 Intersex
7 Genderqueer
6 Cisgender Male
5 Cisgender Female

Top birth places

10,687 New York City
8,013 London
5,425 Chicago
5,259 Los Angeles
3,823 Brooklyn
3,549 Philadelphia
3,301 Toronto
3,229 Moscow
3,051 Montreal
2,530 Paris

Top 10 notable birthdays.

Donald Trump

President of the united states from 2017 to 2021.

Born June 14th, 1946 (age 77 years) in Jamaica Hospital Medical Center. [ref]

Elizabeth II

Queen of the united kingdom from 1952 to 2022.

Born April 21st, 1926 in Mayfair. [ref]

Died September 8th, 2022 at 96 years old in Balmoral Castle (senility). [ref]

Elon Musk

American business magnate (born 1971).

Born June 28th, 1971 (age 52 years) in Pretoria. [ref]

Cristiano Ronaldo

Portuguese footballer (born 1985).

Born February 5th, 1985 (age 39 years) in Funchal. [ref]

Barack Obama

President of the united states from 2009 to 2017.

Born August 4th, 1961 (age 62 years) in Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children. [ref]

Freddie Mercury

British singer, songwriter, record producer and graphic designer (1946-1991).

Born September 5th, 1946 in Stone Town. [ref]

Died November 24th, 1991 at 45 years old in Garden Lodge, Kensington (bronchopneumonia). [ref]

Lionel Messi

Argentine association football player.

Born June 24th, 1987 (age 36 years) in Rosario. [ref]

Joe Biden

President of the united states since 2021.

Born November 20th, 1942 (age 81 years) in St. Mary's Hospital.

Dwayne Johnson

American actor and professional wrestler.

Born May 2nd, 1972 (age 51 years) in Hayward.

Pablo Escobar

Colombian drug lord (1949–1993).

Born December 1st, 1949 in Rionegro. [ref]

Died December 2nd, 1993 at 44 years old in Medellín (ballistic trauma). [ref]


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The day which we fear as our last is but the birthday of eternity. Lucius Annaeus Seneca