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January 1st

831 Notable birthdays

J. Edgar Hoover

American law enforcement administrator (1895–1972).

Born January 1st, 1895 in Washington, D.C.. [ref]

Died May 2nd, 1972 at 77 years old in Washington, D.C. (heart failure). [ref]

Verne Troyer

American actor (1969-2018).

Born January 1st, 1969 in Sturgis.

Died April 21st, 2018 at 49 years old in Los Angeles.

Vidya Balan

Indian film actress.

Born January 1st, 1979 (age 46 years) in Palakkad district. [ref]

Elin Nordegren

Swedish model.

Born January 1st, 1980 (age 45 years) in Stockholm.

Leonid Brezhnev

General secretary of the communist party of the soviet union (1906–1982).

Born January 1st, 1907 in Kamianske. [ref]

Died November 10th, 1982 at 75 years old in Zareche (myocardial infarction). [ref]

Sonali Bendre

Indian actress and model.

Born January 1st, 1975 (age 50 years) in Mumbai.

J. D. Salinger

American author (1919–2010).

Born January 1st, 1919 in New York City. [ref]

Died January 27th, 2010 at 91 years old in Cornish. [ref]

Gary Johnson

American politician, businessman, and 29th governor of new mexico.

Born January 1st, 1953 (age 72 years) in Minot.

George Washington Carver

African american botanist and inventor (1864-1943).

Born January 1st, 1864 in Diamond.

Died January 5th, 1943 at 79 years old in Tuskegee (anemia).

Barry Goldwater

American politician from arizona (1909–1998).

Born January 1st, 1909 in Phoenix. [ref]

Died May 29th, 1998 at 89 years old in Paradise Valley (stroke). [ref]

birthdays 1 to 10 of 831

« 12/31
01/02 »

As you get older, three things happen: The first is your memory goes, and I can't remember the other two. Norman Wisdom