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Notables at age 59

1,516 Notable birthdays

Kamala Harris

Vice president of the united states since 2021.

Born October 20th, 1964 (age 59 years) in Oakland Medical Center. [ref]

Keanu Reeves

Canadian actor.

Born September 2nd, 1964 (age 59 years) in Beirut.

Robert Downey Jr.

American actor (born 1965).

Born April 4th, 1965 (age 59 years) in Manhattan.

Boris Johnson

Prime minister of the united kingdom since 2019.

Born June 19th, 1964 (age 59 years) in New York City.

Dr. Dre

American rapper, record producer, and businessman (born 1965).

Born February 18th, 1965 (age 59 years) in Compton.

Sandra Bullock

German-american actress and producer.

Born July 26th, 1964 (age 59 years) in Arlington County.

The Undertaker

American professional wrestler.

Born March 24th, 1965 (age 59 years) in Houston.

Courteney Cox

American actress, director, and producer.

Born June 15th, 1964 (age 59 years) in Birmingham.

Suge Knight

American record producer and music executive.

Born April 19th, 1965 (age 59 years) in Compton.

Aamir Khan

Indian actor, director and producer.

Born March 14th, 1965 (age 59 years) in Mumbai.

birthdays 1 to 10 of 1516

Let us never know what old age is. Let us know the happiness time brings, not count the years. Ausonius