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In the year 1968

1,676 Notable birthdays

Will Smith

American actor and rapper (born 1968).

Born September 25th, 1968 (age 56 years) in Philadelphia.

Daniel Craig

English actor.

Born March 2nd, 1968 (age 56 years) in Chester.

Hugh Jackman

Australian actor (born 1968).

Born October 12th, 1968 (age 56 years) in Sydney.

Josh Brolin

American actor.

Born February 12th, 1968 (age 57 years) in Santa Monica.

Celine Dion

Canadian singer (born 1968).

Born March 30th, 1968 (age 56 years) in Charlemagne.

Gillian Anderson

American actress (born 1968).

Born August 9th, 1968 (age 56 years) in Chicago.

Lisa Marie Presley

American singer (1968–2023).

Born February 1st, 1968 in Memphis.

Died January 12th, 2023 at 54 years old in West Hills (cardiac arrest). [ref]

Terry Crews

American actor and football player (born 1968).

Born July 30th, 1968 (age 56 years) in Flint.

Owen Wilson

American actor and screenwriter.

Born November 18th, 1968 (age 56 years) in Dallas.

Brendan Fraser

Canadian-american actor.

Born December 3rd, 1968 (age 56 years) in Indianapolis.

birthdays 1 to 10 of 1676

« 1967
1969 »

Don't just count your years, make your years count. George Meredith