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September 18th

438 Notable birthdays

Jada Pinkett Smith

American actress, singer-songwriter, and businesswoman (1971-).

Born September 18th, 1971 (age 53 years) in Baltimore.

Jason Sudeikis

American actor and comedian.

Born September 18th, 1975 (age 49 years) in Fairfax.


Brazilian footballer (born 1976).

Born September 18th, 1976 (age 48 years) in Rio de Janeiro. [ref]

Ben Carson

17th united states secretary of housing and urban development; american neurosurgeon.

Born September 18th, 1951 (age 73 years) in Detroit.

James Gandolfini

American actor (1961–2013).

Born September 18th, 1961 in Westwood. [ref]

Died June 19th, 2013 at 51 years old in Rome (cardiomyopathy). [ref]

James Marsden

American actor.

Born September 18th, 1973 (age 51 years) in Stillwater.

Christian Pulisic

American soccer player.

Born September 18th, 1998 (age 26 years) in Hershey.

Lance Armstrong

American cyclist.

Born September 18th, 1971 (age 53 years) in Plano. [ref]

John McAfee

British-american programmer and businessman (1945–2021).

Born September 18th, 1945 in Cinderford. [ref]

Died June 23rd, 2021 at 75 years old in Centre Penitenciari Brians 2 (hanging). [ref]

Aisha Tyler

American actress, comedian, director, and talk show host.

Born September 18th, 1970 (age 54 years) in San Francisco. [ref]

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Every year on your birthday, you get a chance to start new. Sammy Hagar