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March 22nd

448 Notable birthdays

Pat Robertson

American media mogul and minister (1930–2023).

Born March 22nd, 1930 in Lexington.

Died June 8th, 2023 at 93 years old in Virginia Beach. [ref]

Tania Raymonde

American actress.

Born March 22nd, 1988 (age 36 years) in Los Angeles.

Bob Costas

American sportscaster.

Born March 22nd, 1952 (age 72 years) in Queens.

Will Yun Lee

American actor.

Born March 22nd, 1971 (age 53 years) in Arlington County.

Shawn Bradley

American basketball player.

Born March 22nd, 1972 (age 52 years) in Landstuhl.

George Benson

American guitarist and singer.

Born March 22nd, 1943 (age 81 years) in Pittsburgh.

Karl Malden

American actor.

Born March 22nd, 1914 in Chicago. [ref]

Died July 1st, 2009 at 95 years old in Brentwood (disease). [ref]

Werner Klemperer

German-american actor and musician.

Born March 22nd, 1920 in Cologne. [ref]

Died December 6th, 2000 at 80 years old in New York City (cancer). [ref]

Bruno Ganz

Swiss actor (1941-2019).

Born March 22nd, 1941 in Zürich. [ref]

Died February 16th, 2019 at 77 years old in Au (small intestine cancer). [ref]

Harry Wilson

Welsh association football player.

Born March 22nd, 1997 (age 27 years) in Wrexham.

birthdays 21 to 30 of 448

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03/23 »

The greatest gift that you can give to others is the gift of unconditional love and acceptance. Brian Tracy