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1,009 Notable births
 in Paris

Élodie Yung

French actress.

Born February 22nd, 1981 (age 43 years) in Paris. [ref]

Jean-Paul Sartre

French existentialist philosopher (1905–1980).

Born June 21st, 1905 in Paris. [ref]

Died April 15th, 1980 at 74 years old in 14th arrondissement of Paris (edema). [ref]

David Guetta

French dj and record producer.

Born November 7th, 1967 (age 56 years) in Paris.

Luc Besson

French film director, writer, and producer.

Born March 18th, 1959 (age 65 years) in Paris.

Nicolas Sarkozy

President of france from 2007 to 2012.

Born January 28th, 1955 (age 69 years) in Paris. [ref]

Hervé Villechaize

French actor (1943–1993).

Born April 23rd, 1943 in Paris.

Died September 4th, 1993 at 50 years old in North Hollywood (ballistic trauma).

Olivier Martinez

French actor.

Born January 12th, 1966 (age 58 years) in Paris.

Kingsley Coman

French association football player.

Born June 13th, 1996 (age 27 years) in Paris.

Yo-Yo Ma

American cellist.

Born October 7th, 1955 (age 68 years) in Paris.

DJ Snake


Born June 13th, 1986 (age 37 years) in Paris. [ref]

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My life is better with every year of living it. Rachel Maddow