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September 21st

437 Notable birthdays

H.G. Wells

English writer (1866–1946).

Born September 21st, 1866 in Bromley. [ref]

Died August 13th, 1946 at 79 years old in London (liver tumor). [ref]

Alfonso Ribeiro

American actor.

Born September 21st, 1971 (age 52 years) in The Bronx.

Maggie Grace

American actress.

Born September 21st, 1983 (age 40 years) in Worthington.

Cheryl Hines

American actress and director.

Born September 21st, 1965 (age 58 years) in Miami Beach.

Faith Hill

American singer.

Born September 21st, 1967 (age 56 years) in Ridgeland.

Lindsey Stirling

American violinist, musician, dancer, performance artist, singer and composer.

Born September 21st, 1986 (age 37 years) in Santa Ana. [ref]

Abby Lee Miller

American dance instructor, choreographer, and owner of reign dance productions.

Born September 21st, 1966 (age 57 years) in Pittsburgh.

Nancy Travis

American actress.

Born September 21st, 1961 (age 62 years) in New York City.

Anneliese Michel

German homicide victim (1952-1976).

Born September 21st, 1952 in Leiblfing.

Died July 1st, 1976 at 23 years old in Klingenberg am Main (dehydration, starvation, undernutrition). [ref]

Chris Gayle

Jamaican cricketer.

Born September 21st, 1979 (age 44 years) in Kingston.

birthdays 11 to 20 of 437

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09/22 »

Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! Dr. Seuss