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May 19th

416 Notable birthdays

Kevin Garnett

American professional basketball player (born 1976).

Born May 19th, 1976 (age 47 years) in Greenville. [ref]

Ho Chi Minh

Vietnamese communist leader (1890–1969).

Born May 19th, 1890 in Kim Liên. [ref]

Died September 2nd, 1969 at 79 years old in Hanoi (heart failure).

Nathuram Godse

Assassin of mahatma gandhi (1910-1949).

Born May 19th, 1910 in Baramati.

Died November 15th, 1949 at 39 years old in Ambala (hanging).

Andrea Pirlo

Italian association football player and manager.

Born May 19th, 1979 (age 44 years) in Brescia.

Pete Townshend

British musician.

Born May 19th, 1945 (age 78 years) in London.

Peter Mayhew

British-american actor.

Born May 19th, 1944 in Barnes.

Died April 30th, 2019 at 74 years old in Boyd (myocardial infarction). [ref]

Ruskin Bond

Indian writer.

Born May 19th, 1934 (age 89 years) in Kasauli.

Nora Ephron

American film director and writer (1941-2012).

Born May 19th, 1941 in Upper West Side. [ref]

Died June 26th, 2012 at 71 years old in Manhattan (pneumonia, acute myeloid leukemia). [ref]

Eleanor Tomlinson

English actress.

Born May 19th, 1992 (age 31 years) in London.

Sam Smith

English singer and songwriter.

Born May 19th, 1992 (age 31 years) in London.

birthdays 11 to 20 of 416

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05/20 »

My life is better with every year of living it. Rachel Maddow