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March 20th

451 Notable birthdays

David Thewlis

British actor.

Born March 20th, 1963 (age 61 years) in Blackpool.


American professional wrestler.

Born March 20th, 1959 (age 65 years) in Omaha.

Carl Reiner

American actor (1922-2020).

Born March 20th, 1922 in The Bronx.

Died June 29th, 2020 at 98 years old in Beverly Hills.

Pat Riley

American basketball player, coach and executive.

Born March 20th, 1945 (age 79 years) in Rome. [ref]

Robbie Lawler

American mixed martial artist.

Born March 20th, 1982 (age 42 years) in San Diego.

Bianca Lawson

American actress.

Born March 20th, 1979 (age 45 years) in Los Angeles.

Vera Lynn

British singer (1917-2020).

Born March 20th, 1917 in East Ham. [ref]

Died June 18th, 2020 at 103 years old in Ditchling. [ref]

B. F. Skinner

American behaviorist.

Born March 20th, 1904 in Susquehanna Depot. [ref]

Died August 18th, 1990 at 86 years old in Cambridge (leukemia). [ref]

Jerry Reed

American recording artist; country music singer, actor (1937-2008).

Born March 20th, 1937 in Atlanta. [ref]

Died September 1st, 2008 at 71 years old in Nashville (pulmonary emphysema). [ref]

Alka Yagnik

Indian playback singer.

Born March 20th, 1966 (age 58 years) in Kolkata.

birthdays 11 to 20 of 451

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03/21 »

With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come. William Shakespeare