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March 14th

432 Notable birthdays

Wolfgang Petersen

German film director.

Born March 14th, 1941 in Emden.

Died August 12th, 2022 at 81 years old in Brentwood (pancreatic cancer). [ref]

Frank Borman

American astronaut.

Born March 14th, 1928 in Gary.

Died November 7th, 2023 at 95 years old in Billings (stroke). [ref]

James R. Clapper

Us government official.

Born March 14th, 1941 (age 83 years) in Fort Wayne.

Rita Tushingham

English actress.

Born March 14th, 1942 (age 82 years) in Garston.

Casey Jones

American railroad engineer.

Born March 14th, 1863 in Missouri.

Died April 30th, 1900 at 37 years old in Vaughan (railway accident).

Laila Robins

American actress.

Born March 14th, 1959 (age 65 years) in Saint Paul.

Bill Owen

British actor and songwriter (1914-1999).

Born March 14th, 1914 in London.

Died July 12th, 1999 at 85 years old in Highgate (pancreatic cancer).

Irom Chanu Sharmila

Indian civil rights activist.

Born March 14th, 1972 (age 52 years) in Imphal.

Theresa Knorr

Convicted murderer.

Born March 14th, 1946 (age 78 years) in Sacramento.

Elise Neal

American actress.

Born March 14th, 1966 (age 58 years) in Memphis.

birthdays 41 to 50 of 432

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03/15 »

All the world is birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much. George Harrison