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October 17th

401 Notable birthdays


American rapper from michigan (born 1972).

Born October 17th, 1972 (age 51 years) in St. Joseph.

Felicity Jones

English actress.

Born October 17th, 1983 (age 40 years) in Birmingham.

Keerthy Suresh

Indian actress.

Born October 17th, 1992 (age 31 years) in Chennai.

Norm Macdonald

Canadian comedian (1959–2021).

Born October 17th, 1959 in Quebec City.

Died September 14th, 2021 at 61 years old in Duarte (cancer). [ref]

Rita Hayworth

American actress, dancer and director (1918-1987).

Born October 17th, 1918 in New York City. [ref]

Died May 14th, 1987 at 68 years old in Upper West Side (Alzheimer's disease). [ref]

Holly Holm

American boxer and mixed martial artist.

Born October 17th, 1981 (age 42 years) in Albuquerque. [ref]

Matthew Macfadyen

English actor.

Born October 17th, 1974 (age 49 years) in Great Yarmouth. [ref]

Bill Hudson

American musician and actor.

Born October 17th, 1949 (age 74 years) in Portland.

Kimi Räikkönen

Former finnish formula 1 racing driver.

Born October 17th, 1979 (age 44 years) in Espoo.

Evel Knievel

American stunt performer and artist (1938-2007).

Born October 17th, 1938 in Butte.

Died November 30th, 2007 at 69 years old in Clearwater (diabetes, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis).

birthdays 1 to 10 of 401

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10/18 »

Let us celebrate the occasion with wine and sweet words. Plautus