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In the year 1918

625 Notable birthdays

Nelson Mandela

First president of south africa and anti-apartheid activist (1918–2013).

Born July 18th, 1918 in Mvezo. [ref]

Died December 5th, 2013 at 95 years old in Houghton Estate (respiratory disease). [ref]

Ken Miles

British racing driver.

Born November 1st, 1918 in Sutton Coldfield.

Died August 17th, 1966 at 47 years old in Riverside International Raceway.

Katherine Johnson

African-american mathematician.

Born August 26th, 1918 in White Sulphur Springs.

Died February 24th, 2020 at 101 years old in Newport News. [ref]

Rita Hayworth

American actress, dancer and director (1918-1987).

Born October 17th, 1918 in New York City. [ref]

Died May 14th, 1987 at 68 years old in Upper West Side (Alzheimer's disease). [ref]

Zsa Zsa Gabor

Hungarian-american socialite and actress (1916-2016).

Born February 6th, 1918 in Budapest. [ref]

Died December 18th, 2016 at 98 years old in Los Angeles (cardiac arrest). [ref]

Billy Graham

American christian evangelist (1918-2018).

Born November 7th, 1918 in Charlotte. [ref]

Died February 21st, 2018 at 99 years old in Montreat (Parkinson's disease).

Robert Wadlow

American who was the tallest recorded person in history.

Born February 22nd, 1918 in Alton.

Died July 15th, 1940 at 22 years old in Manistee (infection).

Richard Feynman

American theoretical physicist (1918-1988).

Born May 11th, 1918 in Far Rockaway. [ref]

Died February 15th, 1988 at 69 years old in UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical Center (kidney failure). [ref]

William Holden

American actor (1918-1981).

Born April 17th, 1918 in O'Fallon. [ref]

Died November 16th, 1981 at 63 years old in Santa Monica (exsanguination). [ref]

Spiro Agnew

Vice president of the united states from 1969 to 1973.

Born November 9th, 1918 in Baltimore. [ref]

Died September 17th, 1996 at 77 years old in Berlin (leukemia). [ref]

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1919 »

You know you're getting old when the candles cost more than the cake. Bob Hope