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In the year 1949

1,411 Notable birthdays

Jeff Bridges

American actor.

Born December 4th, 1949 (age 74 years) in Los Angeles.

John Belushi

American comedian, actor, and musician (1949-1982).

Born January 24th, 1949 in Humboldt Park. [ref]

Died March 5th, 1982 at 33 years old in Chateau Marmont (drug overdose). [ref]

David Foster

Canadian musician, record producer, songwriter.

Born November 1st, 1949 (age 74 years) in Victoria.

Sigourney Weaver

American actress.

Born October 8th, 1949 (age 74 years) in New York City. [ref]

Jessica Lange

American actress.

Born April 20th, 1949 (age 74 years) in Cloquet. [ref]

Lionel Richie

American singer-songwriter, musician, record producer and actor.

Born June 20th, 1949 (age 74 years) in Tuskegee. [ref]

Niki Lauda

Austrian former formula 1 driver (1949-2019).

Born February 22nd, 1949 in Vienna. [ref]

Died May 20th, 2019 at 70 years old in Zürich. [ref]

Don Johnson

American actor and singer.

Born December 15th, 1949 (age 74 years) in Flat Creek.

George Foreman

American professional boxer, ordained baptist minister, author and entrepreneur.

Born January 10th, 1949 (age 75 years) in Marshall.

Gary Ridgway

American serial killer.

Born February 18th, 1949 (age 75 years) in Salt Lake City.

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« 1948
1950 »

Let us never know what old age is. Let us know the happiness time brings, not count the years. Ausonius