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June 7th

403 Notable birthdays


American musician (1958–2016).

Born June 7th, 1958 in Minneapolis. [ref]

Died April 21st, 2016 at 57 years old in Chanhassen (fentanyl toxicity). [ref]

Liam Neeson

Northern irish actor.

Born June 7th, 1952 (age 71 years) in Ballymena.

Mike Pence

Vice president of the united states from 2017 to 2021.

Born June 7th, 1959 (age 64 years) in Columbus. [ref]

Emily Ratajkowski

American model and actress.

Born June 7th, 1991 (age 32 years) in Westminster.

Muammar Gaddafi

Libyan revolutionary, politician and political theorist (1942–2011).

Born June 7th, 1942 in Qasr Abu Hadi. [ref]

Died October 20th, 2011 at 69 years old in Sirte (lynching, ballistic trauma). [ref]

Allen Iverson

American basketball player.

Born June 7th, 1975 (age 48 years) in Hampton. [ref]

Dean Martin

American singer, actor, comedian and film producer (1917-1995).

Born June 7th, 1917 in Steubenville. [ref]

Died December 25th, 1995 at 78 years old in Beverly Hills (pulmonary emphysema, small cell carcinoma). [ref]

Iggy Azalea

Australian rapper.

Born June 7th, 1990 (age 33 years) in Sydney. [ref]

Bill Hader

American comedian and actor.

Born June 7th, 1978 (age 45 years) in Tulsa.

Bear Grylls

British adventurer, writer and television presenter.

Born June 7th, 1974 (age 49 years) in London.

birthdays 1 to 10 of 403

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06/08 »

Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! Dr. Seuss