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June 10th

440 Notable birthdays

Jeanne Tripplehorn

American actress.

Born June 10th, 1963 (age 60 years) in Tulsa.

The D.O.C.

American rapper.

Born June 10th, 1968 (age 55 years) in Dallas.

Gina Gershon

American actress.

Born June 10th, 1962 (age 61 years) in Los Angeles.

DJ Qualls

American actor.

Born June 10th, 1978 (age 45 years) in Nashville.

Leelee Sobieski

American actress and artist.

Born June 10th, 1983 (age 40 years) in New York City.

Tara Lipinski

American figure skater.

Born June 10th, 1982 (age 41 years) in Philadelphia.

Jonathan Bennett

American actor.

Born June 10th, 1981 (age 42 years) in Rossford.

Mika Singh

Indian singer and musician.

Born June 10th, 1977 (age 46 years) in Patna.

Shane West

American actor.

Born June 10th, 1978 (age 45 years) in Baton Rouge.

F. Lee Bailey

American criminal defense attorney (1933–2021).

Born June 10th, 1933 in Waltham.

Died June 3rd, 2021 at 87 years old in Atlanta. [ref]

birthdays 11 to 20 of 440

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06/11 »

Let us celebrate the occasion with wine and sweet words. Plautus