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April 7th

459 Notable birthdays

Grace Hightower

An american philanthropist, socialite, actress, and singer.

Born April 7th, 1955 (age 69 years) in Kilmichael.


Actor from india.

Born April 7th, 1942 (age 82 years) in Amritsar.

MacKenzie Scott

American philanthropist and novelist.

Born April 7th, 1970 (age 54 years) in San Francisco.

Wayne Rogers

American actor (1933-2015).

Born April 7th, 1933 in Birmingham.

Died December 31st, 2015 at 82 years old in Los Angeles (pneumonia). [ref]

Buster Douglas

American boxer.

Born April 7th, 1960 (age 64 years) in Columbus.

David Otunga

American professional wrestler.

Born April 7th, 1980 (age 44 years) in Elgin.


Samoan-american professional wrestler (1970-2017).

Born April 7th, 1970 in San Francisco.

Died April 17th, 2017 at 47 years old in Pensacola (heart failure). [ref]

Daniel Ellsberg

American economist and whistleblower known for releasing the pentagon papers.

Born April 7th, 1931 in Chicago.

Died June 16th, 2023 at 92 years old in Kensington (pancreatic cancer). [ref]

David Frost

British television host, media personality, journalist, comedian, and writer (1939–2013).

Born April 7th, 1939 in Tenterden.

Died August 31st, 2013 at 74 years old in MS Queen Elizabeth (myocardial infarction).

Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany

British prince (1853-1884).

Born April 7th, 1853 in Buckingham Palace.

Died March 28th, 1884 at 30 years old in Cannes.

birthdays 11 to 20 of 459

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04/08 »

Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears. John Lennon