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March 22nd

448 Notable birthdays

Reese Witherspoon

American actress and producer.

Born March 22nd, 1976 (age 48 years) in New Orleans. [ref]

William Shatner

Canadian actor (born 1931).

Born March 22nd, 1931 (age 93 years) in Notre-Dame-de-GrĂ¢ce. [ref]

J. J. Watt

American football player (born 1989).

Born March 22nd, 1989 (age 35 years) in Waukesha.

Keegan-Michael Key

American actor (born 1971).

Born March 22nd, 1971 (age 53 years) in Southfield.

Constance Wu

American actress (born 1982).

Born March 22nd, 1982 (age 42 years) in Richmond.

Nick Robinson

American actor.

Born March 22nd, 1995 (age 29 years) in Seattle.

Andrew Lloyd Webber

English theatre composer (born 1948).

Born March 22nd, 1948 (age 76 years) in Kensington. [ref]

Cole Hauser

American actor.

Born March 22nd, 1975 (age 49 years) in Santa Barbara. [ref]

Stephen Sondheim

American composer and lyricist.

Born March 22nd, 1930 in Manhattan.

Died November 26th, 2021 at 91 years old in Roxbury. [ref]

Matthew Modine

American actor and filmmaker (born 1959).

Born March 22nd, 1959 (age 65 years) in Loma Linda.

birthdays 1 to 10 of 448

« 03/21
03/23 »

Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! Dr. Seuss