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Notables at age 94

131 Notable birthdays

Buzz Aldrin

American astronaut.

Born January 20th, 1930 (age 94 years) in Glen Ridge.

Gene Hackman

American actor and novelist.

Born January 30th, 1930 (age 94 years) in San Bernardino.

Robert Wagner

American actor.

Born February 10th, 1930 (age 94 years) in Detroit.

Bob Newhart

American stand-up comedian and actor.

Born September 5th, 1929 (age 94 years) in Oak Park.

Tippi Hedren

American actress and animal welfare activist.

Born January 19th, 1930 (age 94 years) in New Ulm.

Joanne Woodward

American actress and producer.

Born February 27th, 1930 (age 94 years) in Thomasville.

Berry Gordy

American record producer, founder of motown records.

Born November 28th, 1929 (age 94 years) in Detroit.

John Astin

American actor.

Born March 30th, 1930 (age 94 years) in Baltimore.

Imelda Marcos

Former first lady of the philippines.

Born July 2nd, 1929 (age 94 years) in Manila.

Rolf Harris

Australian-born, british-based entertainer and convicted sex offender.

Born March 30th, 1930 (age 94 years) in Perth.

birthdays 1 to 10 of 131

A birth-date is a reminder to celebrate the life as well as to update the life. Amit Kalantri