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February 8th

446 Notable birthdays

Gary Coleman

American actor (1968-2010).

Born February 8th, 1968 in Zion.

Died May 28th, 2010 at 42 years old in Provo (epidural cranial hematoma).

Jack Lemmon

American actor (1925–2001).

Born February 8th, 1925 in Newton. [ref]

Died June 27th, 2001 at 76 years old in Los Angeles (bladder cancer). [ref]

Cecily Strong

American comedian.

Born February 8th, 1984 (age 40 years) in Springfield.

Lana Turner

American actress (1921–1995).

Born February 8th, 1921 in Wallace.

Died June 29th, 1995 at 74 years old in Los Angeles (esophageal cancer). [ref]

Kathryn Newton

American actress.

Born February 8th, 1997 (age 27 years) in London.

Julio Jones

American football player (born 1989).

Born February 8th, 1989 (age 35 years) in Foley. [ref]

Creed Bratton

American musician.

Born February 8th, 1943 (age 81 years) in Los Angeles.

Bethany Hamilton

American surfer.

Born February 8th, 1990 (age 34 years) in Cádiz.

John Grisham

American writer (born 1955).

Born February 8th, 1955 (age 69 years) in Jonesboro.

Terry Melcher

American musician and record producer.

Born February 8th, 1942 in New York City.

Died November 19th, 2004 at 62 years old in Beverly Hills (melanoma). [ref]

birthdays 11 to 20 of 446

« 02/07
02/09 »

There is still no cure for the common birthday. John Glenn