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February 24th

520 Notable birthdays

Debra Jo Rupp

American actress.

Born February 24th, 1951 (age 73 years) in Glendale.

Lleyton Hewitt

Australian tennis player and tennis coach.

Born February 24th, 1981 (age 43 years) in Adelaide.

Joe Lieberman

American politician (1942–2024).

Born February 24th, 1942 in Stamford.

Died March 27th, 2024 at 82 years old in New York City (complication). [ref]

Chester W. Nimitz

United states navy fleet admiral.

Born February 24th, 1885 in Fredericksburg.

Died February 20th, 1966 at 80 years old in Yerba Buena Island (stroke).

Matt Skiba

American musician.

Born February 24th, 1976 (age 48 years) in Chicago.

Priscilla Chan

American pediatrician and philanthropist.

Born February 24th, 1985 (age 39 years) in Braintree. [ref]

Dennis Waterman

English actor and singer (1948–2022).

Born February 24th, 1948 in Clapham.

Died May 8th, 2022 at 74 years old [ref]

Bas Rutten

Dutch-american mixed martial arts (mma) fighter, professional wrestler and kickboxer.

Born February 24th, 1965 (age 59 years) in Tilburg.

Jan Koum

Ukrainian-born american entrepreneur, co-founder of whatsapp.

Born February 24th, 1976 (age 48 years) in Kyiv.

Judith Butler

American philosopher and gender theorist.

Born February 24th, 1956 (age 68 years) in Cleveland. [ref]

birthdays 21 to 30 of 520

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02/25 »

A birth-date is a reminder to celebrate the life as well as to update the life. Amit Kalantri