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Notables at age 98

33 Notable birthdays

Anita Lasker-Wallfisch

German-born musician and holocaust survivor (b. 1925).

Born July 17th, 1925 (age 98 years) in Wrocław.

Peter Lax

American mathematician of hungarian origin.

Born May 1st, 1926 (age 98 years) in Budapest.

George Ariyoshi

American politician.

Born March 12th, 1926 (age 98 years) in Honolulu.

György Kurtág

Hungarian composer.

Born February 19th, 1926 (age 98 years) in Lugoj.

W. Michael Blumenthal

American businessperson, politician.

Born January 3rd, 1926 (age 98 years) in Oranienburg.

Yehuda Bauer

Israeli historian of the holocaust.

Born April 6th, 1926 (age 98 years) in Prague.

Gazi Yaşargil

Turkish neurosurgeon.

Born July 6th, 1925 (age 98 years) in Lice.

Roy Medvedev

Russian historian and writer.

Born November 14th, 1925 (age 98 years) in Tbilisi.

Armando Silvestre

Mexican-american actor.

Born January 28th, 1926 (age 98 years) in San Diego.

Jean-Pierre Faye

French philosopher and writer.

Born July 19th, 1925 (age 98 years) in 6th arrondissement of Paris.

birthdays 11 to 20 of 33

Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears. John Lennon