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Notables at age 98

34 Notable birthdays

Jean-Pierre Faye

French philosopher and writer.

Born July 19th, 1925 (age 98 years) in 6th arrondissement of Paris.

Paul Goldsmith

Racecar driver.

Born October 2nd, 1925 (age 98 years) in Parkersburg.

Raphaël Géminiani

French racing cyclist.

Born June 12th, 1925 (age 98 years) in Clermont-Ferrand.

Aleksandr Zatsepin

Russian composer.

Born March 10th, 1926 (age 98 years) in Novosibirsk.

Hermano da Silva Ramos

Racecar driver.

Born December 7th, 1925 (age 98 years) in 16th arrondissement of Paris.

Heikki Hasu

Nordic skier.

Born March 21st, 1926 (age 98 years) in Sippola.

Estanislao Esteban Karlic

Catholic archbishop.

Born February 7th, 1926 (age 98 years) in Oliva.

Jean-Charles Tacchella

French film director and screenwriter.

Born September 23rd, 1925 (age 98 years) in Cherbourg.

Angelo Acerbi

Catholic archbishop.

Born September 23rd, 1925 (age 98 years) in Sesta Godano.

Jacques Marinelli

French racing cyclist.

Born December 15th, 1925 (age 98 years) in Le Blanc-Mesnil. [ref]

birthdays 21 to 30 of 34

Every year on your birthday, you get a chance to start new. Sammy Hagar