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In the year 1938

1,070 Notable birthdays

Brian Dennehy

American actor (1938-2020).

Born July 9th, 1938 in Bridgeport.

Died April 15th, 2020 at 81 years old in New Haven (sepsis). [ref]

Alan Dershowitz

American lawyer, author.

Born September 1st, 1938 (age 85 years) in Brooklyn.

Bernard Madoff

American fraudster and financier (1938–2021).

Born April 29th, 1938 in Queens.

Died April 14th, 2021 at 82 years old in Butner. [ref]

Elliott Gould

American actor.

Born August 29th, 1938 (age 85 years) in Brooklyn.

Jerry Brown

34th and 39th governor of california.

Born April 7th, 1938 (age 86 years) in San Francisco.

Oliver Reed

English actor.

Born February 13th, 1938 in Wimbledon. [ref]

Died May 2nd, 1999 at 61 years old in Valletta (myocardial infarction). [ref]

Bill Withers

American singer-songwriter and musician.

Born July 4th, 1938 in Slab Fork.

Died March 30th, 2020 at 81 years old in Los Angeles (heart disease).

Etta James

American recording artist; singer.

Born January 25th, 1938 in Los Angeles. [ref]

Died January 20th, 2012 at 73 years old in Riverside (leukemia). [ref]

Stephen Breyer

Us supreme court justice from 1994 to 2022.

Born August 15th, 1938 (age 85 years) in San Francisco.

Dawn Wells

American actress (1938-2020).

Born October 18th, 1938 in Reno. [ref]

Died December 30th, 2020 at 82 years old in Los Angeles (COVID-19). [ref]

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« 1937
1939 »

A birth-date is a reminder to celebrate the life as well as to update the life. Amit Kalantri