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In the year 1909

706 Notable birthdays

C. N. Annadurai

Indian flim script writer and former chief minister of tamil nadu, india (1909-1969).

Born September 15th, 1909 in Kanchipuram. [ref]

Died February 3rd, 1969 at 59 years old in Chennai (esophageal cancer).

Mike Todd

American theatre and film producer.

Born June 22nd, 1909 in Minneapolis.

Died March 22nd, 1958 at 48 years old in Grants.

Miep Gies

Dutch citizen who hid anne frank.

Born February 15th, 1909 in Vienna. [ref]

Died January 11th, 2010 at 100 years old in Hoorn (disease). [ref]

Robert Ryan

American actor (1909-1973).

Born November 11th, 1909 in Chicago. [ref]

Died July 11th, 1973 at 63 years old in New York City (lung cancer). [ref]

Hugh Beaumont

American actor (1909–1982).

Born February 16th, 1909 in Lawrence.

Died May 14th, 1982 at 73 years old in Munich (myocardial infarction).

Osamu Dazai

Japanese author.

Born June 19th, 1909 in Kanagi. [ref]

Died June 13th, 1948 at 38 years old in Mitaka (drowning). [ref]

Matt Busby

Scottish football player and manager (1909-1994).

Born May 26th, 1909 in Bellshill.

Died January 20th, 1994 at 84 years old in Manchester (cancer).

Albert R. Broccoli

American film producer (1909–1996).

Born April 5th, 1909 in Queens.

Died June 27th, 1996 at 87 years old in Beverly Hills (heart failure).

Virginia Apgar

American obstetrical anesthesiologist (1909-1974).

Born June 7th, 1909 in Westfield. [ref]

Died August 7th, 1974 at 65 years old in Columbia University Irving Medical Center (cardiac arrest).

Douglas Fairbanks Jr.

American actor and united states naval officer (1909-2000).

Born December 9th, 1909 in New York City.

Died May 7th, 2000 at 90 years old in New York City (myocardial infarction).

birthdays 21 to 30 of 706

« 1908
1910 »

With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come. William Shakespeare