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In the year 1866

310 Notable birthdays

Matthew Henson

American explorer (1866-1955).

Born August 8th, 1866 in Charles County.

Died March 9th, 1955 at 88 years old in New York City (stroke).

Kenesaw Mountain Landis

American judge and baseball commissioner (1866-1944).

Born November 20th, 1866 in Millville.

Died November 25th, 1944 at 78 years old in Chicago (myocardial infarction).

James J. Corbett

American boxer (1866-1933).

Born September 1st, 1866 in San Francisco.

Died February 18th, 1933 at 66 years old in Queens (liver cancer).

Cornelia Dorabuji

Indian barrister, writer, and social reformer; first female graduate from bombay university, first woman to study law at oxford university; first indian national to study at a british university (1866-1954).

Born November 15th, 1866 in Nashik. [ref]

Died July 6th, 1954 at 87 years old in London. [ref]

Thomas Hunt Morgan

American biologist (1866-1945).

Born September 25th, 1866 in Lexington. [ref]

Died December 4th, 1945 at 79 years old in Pasadena (myocardial infarction). [ref]

Giovanni Agnelli

Italian entrepreneur (1866-1945).

Born August 13th, 1866 in Villar Perosa. [ref]

Died December 16th, 1945 at 79 years old in Turin. [ref]

Maud Gonne

Irish revolutionary and activist (1866-1953).

Born December 21st, 1866 in Farnham. [ref]

Died April 27th, 1953 at 86 years old in Clonskeagh. [ref]

Hannah Chaplin

Stage and musical actress.

Born August 6th, 1866 in London. [ref]

Died August 28th, 1928 at 62 years old in Glendale (syphilis).

Princess Irene of Hesse and by Rhine

Daughter of ludwig iv, grand duke of hesse and by rhine (1866-1953).

Born July 11th, 1866 in Neues Palais.

Died November 11th, 1953 at 87 years old in Gut Hemmelmark.

Aleksandr Ulyanov

Russian revolutionary and activist.

Born April 12th, 1866 in Nizhny Novgorod.

Died May 20th, 1887 at 21 years old in Shlisselburg (hanging).

birthdays 11 to 20 of 310

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1867 »

Every birthday is a gift. Every day is a gift. Aretha Franklin