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In the year 1863

332 Notable birthdays

Casey Jones

American railroad engineer.

Born March 14th, 1863 in Missouri.

Died April 30th, 1900 at 37 years old in Vaughan (railway accident).

Louis Cyr

Canadian strength athlete (1863-1912).

Born October 11th, 1863 in Saint-Cyprien-de-Napierville.

Died November 10th, 1912 at 49 years old in Montreal (nephritis).

Pierre de Coubertin

Founder of modern olympic games, pedagogue and historian (1863-1937).

Born January 1st, 1863 in 7th arrondissement of Paris. [ref]

Died September 2nd, 1937 at 74 years old in Geneva. [ref]

Gabriele D'Annunzio

Italian writer.

Born March 12th, 1863 in Pescara. [ref]

Died March 1st, 1938 at 74 years old in Gardone Riviera (cerebral hemorrhage). [ref]

Samuel P. Bush

American businessman.

Born October 4th, 1863 in Orange.

Died February 8th, 1948 at 84 years old in Columbus.

George Herbert Mead

American philosopher, sociologist, and psychologist.

Born February 27th, 1863 in South Hadley.

Died April 30th, 1931 at 68 years old in Chicago.

John Francis Fitzgerald

Irish-american politician, massachusetts (1863-1950).

Born February 11th, 1863 in Boston.

Died October 2nd, 1950 at 87 years old in Boston.

Sergei Prokudin-Gorskii

Russian chemist and photographer.

Born August 30th, 1863 in Funikova Gora. [ref]

Died September 27th, 1944 at 81 years old in Paris. [ref]

Carlos I of Portugal

King of portugal from 1889–1908.

Born September 28th, 1863 in Palace of Ajuda.

Died February 1st, 1908 at 44 years old in Praça do Comércio (ballistic trauma).

Sayajirao Gaekwad III

Indian maharaja.

Born March 11th, 1863 in Vadodara.

Died February 6th, 1939 at 75 years old in Vadodara.

birthdays 11 to 20 of 332

« 1862
1864 »

A birth-date is a reminder to celebrate the life as well as to update the life. Amit Kalantri