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September 4th

414 Notable birthdays

Dick York

American radio, stage, film, and television actor (1928-1992).

Born September 4th, 1928 in Fort Wayne. [ref]

Died February 20th, 1992 at 63 years old in East Grand Rapids (pulmonary emphysema). [ref]

Xavier Woods

American professional wrestler.

Born September 4th, 1986 (age 37 years) in Columbus.

Jason David Frank

American actor and martial artist.

Born September 4th, 1973 in Covina.

Died November 19th, 2022 at 49 years old in Texas. [ref]

Henry Ford II

American automotive industry executive (1917–1987).

Born September 4th, 1917 in Detroit.

Died September 29th, 1987 at 70 years old in Detroit (pneumonia).

Mickey Cohen

American criminal.

Born September 4th, 1913 in Brooklyn.

Died July 29th, 1976 at 62 years old in Los Angeles (stomach cancer).

James Bay

British singer-songwriter.

Born September 4th, 1990 (age 33 years) in Hitchin. [ref]

Ione Skye

British-born american actress.

Born September 4th, 1970 (age 53 years) in Hertfordshire.

Noah Taylor

Australian actor.

Born September 4th, 1969 (age 54 years) in London.

Park Eun-bin

South korean actress.

Born September 4th, 1992 (age 31 years) in Seoul.

Kyle Mooney

American comedian and writer.

Born September 4th, 1984 (age 39 years) in San Diego.

birthdays 11 to 20 of 414

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09/05 »

With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come. William Shakespeare