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May 29th

413 Notable birthdays

John F. Kennedy

President of the united states from 1961 to 1963.

Born May 29th, 1917 in Brookline. [ref]

Died November 22nd, 1963 at 46 years old in Parkland Memorial Hospital (ballistic trauma). [ref]

Laverne Cox

American actress and lgbt advocate (born 1972).

Born May 29th, 1972 (age 51 years) in Mobile.

Riley Keough

American actress.

Born May 29th, 1989 (age 34 years) in Santa Monica.

Carmelo Anthony

American basketball player.

Born May 29th, 1984 (age 39 years) in Brooklyn.

Melanie Brown

British singer, actress and television personality.

Born May 29th, 1975 (age 48 years) in Harehills.

Annette Bening

American actress.

Born May 29th, 1958 (age 65 years) in Topeka.

Danny Elfman

American film composer.

Born May 29th, 1953 (age 70 years) in Los Angeles.

Noel Gallagher

British singer and guitarist.

Born May 29th, 1967 (age 56 years) in Longsight.

Bob Hope

American comedian, actor, singer and dancer (1903–2003).

Born May 29th, 1903 in Eltham. [ref]

Died July 27th, 2003 at 100 years old in Toluca Lake (pneumonia). [ref]

Nia Jax

American professional wrestler.

Born May 29th, 1984 (age 39 years) in Honolulu.

birthdays 1 to 10 of 413

« 05/28
05/30 »

My life is better with every year of living it. Rachel Maddow