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April 27th

403 Notable birthdays

Frank Abagnale

American security consultant, former confidence trickster, check forger, impostor, and escape artist.

Born April 27th, 1948 (age 75 years) in Bronxville.

Jenna Coleman

English actress.

Born April 27th, 1986 (age 37 years) in Blackpool. [ref]

Cory Booker

United states senator from new jersey.

Born April 27th, 1969 (age 54 years) in Washington, D.C..

Nick Kyrgios

Australian tennis player.

Born April 27th, 1995 (age 28 years) in Canberra.


American singer and rapper.

Born April 27th, 1988 (age 35 years) in Detroit. [ref]

Sally Hawkins

British actress.

Born April 27th, 1976 (age 47 years) in Dulwich.

Casey Kasem

American voice actor (1932-2014).

Born April 27th, 1932 in Detroit. [ref]

Died June 15th, 2014 at 82 years old in Gig Harbor (sepsis). [ref]

Fredrik Neij

Swedish activist.

Born April 27th, 1978 (age 45 years) in Jönköping.

Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands

King of the netherlands.

Born April 27th, 1967 (age 56 years) in University Medical Center Utrecht. [ref]

Coretta Scott King

American author, activist, and civil rights leader; wife of martin luther king, jr..

Born April 27th, 1927 in Marion. [ref]

Died January 30th, 2006 at 78 years old in Rosarito (ovarian cancer). [ref]

birthdays 1 to 10 of 403

« 04/26
04/28 »

Every year on your birthday, you get a chance to start new. Sammy Hagar