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April 12th

440 Notable birthdays


American comedian.

Born April 12th, 1970 (age 54 years) in Newark.

Brian McFadden

Irish singer.

Born April 12th, 1980 (age 44 years) in Dublin.

Katelyn Ohashi

Artistic gymnast.

Born April 12th, 1997 (age 27 years) in Seattle.

Jon Krakauer

American writer and journalist.

Born April 12th, 1954 (age 70 years) in Brookline.

John Dunsworth

Canadian actor and director.

Born April 12th, 1946 in Bridgewater.

Died October 16th, 2017 at 71 years old in Halifax. [ref]

Matt McGorry

American actor.

Born April 12th, 1986 (age 38 years) in Manhattan. [ref]

Flavio Briatore

Italian businessman.

Born April 12th, 1950 (age 74 years) in Verzuolo.

Matteo Berrettini

Italian tennis player.

Born April 12th, 1996 (age 28 years) in Rome.

Marley Shelton

American actress.

Born April 12th, 1974 (age 50 years) in Los Angeles.

Eric Bailly

Ivorian association football player.

Born April 12th, 1994 (age 30 years) in Bingerville.

birthdays 21 to 30 of 440

« 04/11
04/13 »

The great thing about getting older is that you don't lose all the other ages you've been. Madeleine L'Engle