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April 10th

488 Notable birthdays

Jamie Chung

American actress.

Born April 10th, 1983 (age 41 years) in San Francisco.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-french actor (1929-2020).

Born April 10th, 1929 in Lund. [ref]

Died March 8th, 2020 at 90 years old in Seillans. [ref]

Omar Sharif

Egyptian actor (1932–2015).

Born April 10th, 1932 in Alexandria.

Died July 10th, 2015 at 83 years old in Cairo (myocardial infarction). [ref]

Chyler Leigh

American actress, singer and model.

Born April 10th, 1982 (age 42 years) in Charlotte.

Sofia Carson

American actress and singer.

Born April 10th, 1993 (age 31 years) in Fort Lauderdale. [ref]

Alex Pettyfer

English actor and model.

Born April 10th, 1990 (age 34 years) in Stevenage.

Chuck Connors

Athlete and actor (1921-1992).

Born April 10th, 1921 in Brooklyn. [ref]

Died November 10th, 1992 at 71 years old in Los Angeles (lung cancer). [ref]

Maren Morris

American country singer.

Born April 10th, 1990 (age 34 years) in Arlington.

Michael Pitt

American actor, model and musician.

Born April 10th, 1981 (age 43 years) in New York City, West Orange.

Ayesha Takia

Indian film actress.

Born April 10th, 1986 (age 38 years) in Mumbai.

birthdays 11 to 20 of 488

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04/11 »

The day which we fear as our last is but the birthday of eternity. Lucius Annaeus Seneca