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October 6th

446 Notable birthdays

LeBron James Jr.

American basketball player (born 2004).

Born October 6th, 2004 (age 19 years) in Cleveland.

Bruno Sammartino

Italian-born american professional wrestler (1935-2018).

Born October 6th, 1935 in Pizzoferrato.

Died April 18th, 2018 at 82 years old in Pittsburgh (multiple organ dysfunction syndrome). [ref]

Olivia Thirlby

American actress.

Born October 6th, 1986 (age 37 years) in New York City.

Yoo Ah-in

South korean actor.

Born October 6th, 1986 (age 37 years) in Daegu.

Johnny Yong Bosch

American actor.

Born October 6th, 1976 (age 47 years) in Kansas City.

Hafez al-Assad

Syrian statesman and military officer (1930–2000).

Born October 6th, 1930 in Qardaha. [ref]

Died June 10th, 2000 at 69 years old in Damascus (leukemia). [ref]

Bobby Farrell

Aruban singer.

Born October 6th, 1949 in Oranjestad. [ref]

Died December 30th, 2010 at 61 years old in Saint Petersburg (myocardial infarction). [ref]

Gerry Adams

Irish politician (born 1948).

Born October 6th, 1948 (age 75 years) in Belfast.

Ricky Hatton

English former professional boxer.

Born October 6th, 1978 (age 45 years) in Stockport.

Brett Gelman

American actor and comedian.

Born October 6th, 1976 (age 47 years) in Highland Park.

birthdays 11 to 20 of 446

« 10/05
10/07 »

A birth-date is a reminder to celebrate the life as well as to update the life. Amit Kalantri