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January 17th

495 Notable birthdays

Andy Kaufman

American enterainer (1949–1984).

Born January 17th, 1949 in New York City.

Died May 16th, 1984 at 35 years old in West Hollywood (lung cancer).

Calvin Harris

Scottish dj, singer, songwriter, and record producer.

Born January 17th, 1984 (age 40 years) in Dumfries.

Kid Rock

American musician (born 1971).

Born January 17th, 1971 (age 53 years) in Romeo.

M. G. Ramachandran

Film actor, chief minister of tamil nadu (1917-1987).

Born January 17th, 1917 in Kandy.

Died December 29th, 1987 at 70 years old in Chennai.

Lucy Boynton

British actress.

Born January 17th, 1994 (age 30 years) in New York City. [ref]

Eartha Kitt

American singer (1927-2008).

Born January 17th, 1927 in North.

Died December 25th, 2008 at 81 years old in Weston (colorectal cancer).

Oleksandr Usyk

Ukrainian boxer.

Born January 17th, 1987 (age 37 years) in Simferopol.

Ray J

American singer and actor.

Born January 17th, 1981 (age 43 years) in McComb.

FKA Twigs

English singer and dancer.

Born January 17th, 1988 (age 36 years) in Cheltenham.

Susanna Hoffs

American musician.

Born January 17th, 1959 (age 65 years) in Los Angeles.

birthdays 11 to 20 of 495

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01/18 »

All the world is birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much. George Harrison