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Notables at age 94

136 Notable birthdays

Alan Oppenheimer

American voice actor.

Born April 23rd, 1930 (age 94 years) in New York City.

Ion Iliescu

Romanian politician; second president of romania.

Born March 3rd, 1930 (age 94 years) in Oltenița.

Clive Revill

New zealand actor.

Born April 18th, 1930 (age 94 years) in Wellington.

John Cullum

American actor, director and singer.

Born March 2nd, 1930 (age 94 years) in Knoxville.

Mara Corday

American actor and model.

Born January 3rd, 1930 (age 94 years) in Santa Monica.

Gary Snyder

American poet.

Born May 8th, 1930 (age 94 years) in San Francisco.

Mary Costa

American opera singer and actress.

Born April 5th, 1930 (age 94 years) in Knoxville.

Eric Kandel

American neuropsychiatrist.

Born November 7th, 1929 (age 94 years) in Vienna.

Dick Button

American figure skater, sports personality, actor, lawyer.

Born July 18th, 1929 (age 94 years) in Englewood.

Jerry Hardin

American actor.

Born November 20th, 1929 (age 94 years) in Dallas.

birthdays 21 to 30 of 136

Let us celebrate the occasion with wine and sweet words. Plautus