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Notables at age 87

390 Notable birthdays

Anthony Kennedy

Us supreme court justice from 1988 to 2018.

Born July 23rd, 1936 (age 87 years) in Sacramento.

Shirley Bassey

Welsh singer.

Born January 8th, 1937 (age 87 years) in Tiger Bay.

Aga Khan IV

49th and current imam of nizari ismailism.

Born December 13th, 1936 (age 87 years) in Geneva.

Princess Alexandra, The Honourable Lady Ogilvy

Member of the british royal family.

Born December 25th, 1936 (age 87 years) in Belgrave Square.

Bill Wyman

British musician, former bassist of the rolling stones.

Born October 24th, 1936 (age 87 years) in Lewisham.

Gary Hart

American politician.

Born November 28th, 1936 (age 87 years) in Ottawa.

Bobby Seale

Co-founder of the black panther party.

Born October 22nd, 1936 (age 87 years) in Dallas.

Harald V of Norway

King of norway.

Born February 21st, 1937 (age 87 years) in Skaugum.

Dick Cavett

American talk show host and comedian.

Born November 19th, 1936 (age 87 years) in Gibbon.

Dyan Cannon

American film and television actress, director, screenwriter, editor, and producer.

Born January 4th, 1937 (age 87 years) in Tacoma.

birthdays 11 to 20 of 390

Nothing in the world like a sore stomach for the right reasons. Stephen Chbosky