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Notables at age 87

395 Notable birthdays

Pope Francis

266th pope of the catholic church.

Born December 17th, 1936 (age 87 years) in Flores.

Jack Nicholson

American actor, film director, producer, and writer.

Born April 22nd, 1937 (age 87 years) in Neptune City. [ref]

Robert Redford

American actor and film director.

Born August 18th, 1936 (age 87 years) in Santa Monica. [ref]

Kris Kristofferson

American country music singer, songwriter, musician, rhodes scholar, and film actor.

Born June 22nd, 1936 (age 87 years) in Brownsville.

Warren Beatty

American actor, producer, screenwriter and director.

Born March 30th, 1937 (age 87 years) in Richmond.

Vanessa Redgrave

British actress.

Born January 30th, 1937 (age 87 years) in Blackheath.

Frankie Valli

American singer.

Born May 3rd, 1937 (age 87 years) in Newark.

Bruce Dern

American actor.

Born June 4th, 1936 (age 87 years) in Chicago.

George Takei

American actor and author (b. 1937).

Born April 20th, 1937 (age 87 years) in Los Angeles.

Billy Dee Williams

American actor, artist, and singer.

Born April 6th, 1937 (age 87 years) in New York City.

birthdays 1 to 10 of 395

With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come. William Shakespeare