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Notables at age 87

395 Notable birthdays

Héctor Elizondo

American actor.

Born December 22nd, 1936 (age 87 years) in New York City.

Kenneth Copeland

American televangelist.

Born December 6th, 1936 (age 87 years) in Lubbock.

Brian Blessed

English actor and comedian.

Born October 9th, 1936 (age 87 years) in South Yorkshire, Mexborough.

Philip Glass

American composer.

Born January 31st, 1937 (age 87 years) in Baltimore.

Zhong Nanshan

Chinese pulmonologist.

Born October 20th, 1936 (age 87 years) in Nanking.

Elinor Donahue


Born April 19th, 1937 (age 87 years) in Tacoma.

Edward Fox

British stage, film and television actor.

Born April 13th, 1937 (age 87 years) in Chelsea.

Valentina Tereshkova

Russian cosmonaut and pilot, first woman to have flown in space.

Born March 6th, 1937 (age 87 years) in Bolshoye Maslennikovo.

Thomas Pynchon

American novelist (born 1937).

Born May 8th, 1937 (age 87 years) in Glen Cove.


Indian actress, dancer & parliamentarian.

Born August 13th, 1936 (age 87 years) in Chennai.

birthdays 21 to 30 of 395

Every year on your birthday, you get a chance to start new. Sammy Hagar