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Notables at age 81

754 Notable birthdays

Ian McShane

English actor (born 1942).

Born September 29th, 1942 (age 81 years) in Blackburn.

Robert Shapiro

American lawyer.

Born September 2nd, 1942 (age 81 years) in Plainfield.

Billy Connolly

Scottish actor and comedian.

Born November 24th, 1942 (age 81 years) in Glasgow.

Werner Herzog

German film director, producer, screenwriter, actor and opera director.

Born September 5th, 1942 (age 81 years) in Munich.

Judith Sheindlin

American lawyer, judge, television personality, and author.

Born October 21st, 1942 (age 81 years) in Brooklyn.

John Major

Former prime minister of the united kingdom (born 1943).

Born March 29th, 1943 (age 81 years) in London.

Blythe Danner

American actress.

Born February 3rd, 1943 (age 81 years) in Philadelphia.

Jerry Jones

American businessman and owner of the dallas cowboys.

Born October 13th, 1942 (age 81 years) in Los Angeles.

Creed Bratton

American musician.

Born February 8th, 1943 (age 81 years) in Los Angeles.

David Cronenberg

Canadian filmmaker (born 1943).

Born March 15th, 1943 (age 81 years) in Toronto.

birthdays 11 to 20 of 754

With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come. William Shakespeare