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Notables at age 80

795 Notable birthdays

John Rhys-Davies

Welsh actor.

Born May 5th, 1944 (age 80 years) in Ammanford.

Pattie Boyd

Model, photographer and author.

Born March 17th, 1944 (age 80 years) in Taunton.


Indian film composer & singer.

Born June 2nd, 1943 (age 80 years) in Pannaipuram.

Newt Gingrich

American politician and author (born 1943).

Born June 17th, 1943 (age 80 years) in Harrisburg.

Stockard Channing

American actress.

Born February 13th, 1944 (age 80 years) in New York City.

Barry Manilow

American singer.

Born June 17th, 1943 (age 80 years) in Brooklyn. [ref]

Gary Glitter

Former english glam rock singer-songwriter and musician.

Born May 8th, 1944 (age 80 years) in Banbury.

Wallace Shawn

American actor.

Born November 12th, 1943 (age 80 years) in New York City.

Craig T. Nelson

American actor.

Born April 4th, 1944 (age 80 years) in Spokane.

Julio Iglesias

Spanish recording artist; singer-songwriter.

Born September 23rd, 1943 (age 80 years) in Madrid.

birthdays 21 to 30 of 795

All the world is birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much. George Harrison