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Notables at age 71

1,079 Notable birthdays

Charles Bronson

English criminal.

Born December 6th, 1952 (age 71 years) in Luton.

Isabella Rossellini

Italian actress.

Born June 18th, 1952 (age 71 years) in Rome.

CiarĂ¡n Hinds

Northern irish actor.

Born February 9th, 1953 (age 71 years) in Belfast.

Elaine Chao

18th united states secretary of transporation and 24th united states secretary of labor.

Born March 26th, 1953 (age 71 years) in Taipei.

John Kasich

American politician and former television host.

Born May 13th, 1952 (age 71 years) in McKees Rocks.

Annie Potts

American actress.

Born October 28th, 1952 (age 71 years) in Nashville.

George Strait

American country music singer (born 1952).

Born May 18th, 1952 (age 71 years) in Poteet.

David Byrne

Scottish-american musician.

Born May 14th, 1952 (age 71 years) in Dumbarton. [ref]

Desi Arnaz, Jr.

Actor, musician; son of lucille ball.

Born January 19th, 1953 (age 71 years) in Los Angeles.

Merrick Garland

American judge and 86th united states attorney general.

Born November 13th, 1952 (age 71 years) in Chicago.

birthdays 21 to 30 of 1079

It takes a long time to become young. Pablo Picasso