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Notables at age 39

2,682 Notable birthdays

Annabelle Wallis

British actress.

Born September 25th, 1984 (age 39 years) in Oxford. [ref]

John David Washington

American football player and actor (born 1984).

Born July 28th, 1984 (age 39 years) in Toluca Lake.

Dulquer Salmaan

Indian actor.

Born July 28th, 1984 (age 39 years) in Kochi.

Chris Paul

American professional basketball player.

Born May 6th, 1985 (age 39 years) in Lewisville. [ref]

Theo James

English actor.

Born December 16th, 1984 (age 39 years) in Oxford.

Jorge Masvidal

American mixed martial arts fighter.

Born November 12th, 1984 (age 39 years) in Miami.

Paul Dano

American actor.

Born June 19th, 1984 (age 39 years) in Harlem.

Garrett Hedlund

American actor.

Born September 3rd, 1984 (age 39 years) in Roseau.

Sidharth Malhotra

Indian actor and former model and assistant director.

Born January 16th, 1985 (age 39 years) in New Delhi. [ref]

Gina Rodriguez

American actress.

Born July 30th, 1984 (age 39 years) in Chicago.

birthdays 21 to 30 of 2682

Every year on your birthday, you get a chance to start new. Sammy Hagar