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In the year 1932

999 Notable birthdays


American fashion designer (1932-1990).

Born April 23rd, 1932 in Des Moines. [ref]

Died March 26th, 1990 at 57 years old in San Francisco (cancer). [ref]

Roy Scheider

American actor (1932–2008).

Born November 10th, 1932 in Orange. [ref]

Died February 10th, 2008 at 75 years old in Little Rock (multiple myeloma). [ref]

Robert Vaughn

American actor (1932-2016).

Born November 22nd, 1932 in New York City. [ref]

Died November 11th, 2016 at 83 years old in Danbury (leukemia). [ref]

Tiny Tim

American musician.

Born April 12th, 1932 in Manhattan. [ref]

Died November 30th, 1996 at 64 years old in Minneapolis (myocardial infarction). [ref]

Casey Kasem

American voice actor (1932-2014).

Born April 27th, 1932 in Detroit. [ref]

Died June 15th, 2014 at 82 years old in Gig Harbor (sepsis). [ref]

Robert Reed

American actor, director (1932-1992).

Born October 19th, 1932 in Highland Park. [ref]

Died May 12th, 1992 at 59 years old in Pasadena (colon cancer, colorectal cancer). [ref]

Sonny Liston

American boxer.

Born May 8th, 1932 in St. Francis County.

Died December 30th, 1970 at 38 years old in Las Vegas (drug overdose).

Joe Arpaio

Maricopa county sheriff.

Born June 14th, 1932 (age 91 years) in Springfield.

Shel Silverstein

American poet, cartoonist, songwriter, and children's writer (1930-1999).

Born September 25th, 1932 in Chicago. [ref]

Died May 10th, 1999 at 66 years old in Key West (myocardial infarction). [ref]

Yash Chopra

Indian film director, script writer and film producer.

Born September 27th, 1932 in Lahore. [ref]

Died October 21st, 2012 at 80 years old in Mumbai (dengue fever). [ref]

birthdays 21 to 30 of 999

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1933 »

Our wrinkles are our medals of the passage of life. They are what we have been through and who we want to be. Lauren Hutton