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In the year 1889

556 Notable birthdays

Ray Collins

American actor (1889-1965).

Born December 10th, 1889 in Sacramento.

Died July 11th, 1965 at 75 years old in Santa Monica (pulmonary emphysema).

A. Philip Randolph

Black american civil rights activist, labor unionist, politician (1889-1979).

Born April 15th, 1889 in Crescent City. [ref]

Died May 16th, 1979 at 90 years old in Manhattan. [ref]

Beulah Bondi

American actress.

Born May 3rd, 1889 in Valparaiso. [ref]

Died January 11th, 1981 at 91 years old in Hollywood (fall). [ref]

Walter Lippmann

American journalist.

Born September 23rd, 1889 in New York City. [ref]

Died December 14th, 1974 at 85 years old in New York City. [ref]

Anna Akhmatova

Russian poet (1889–1966).

Born June 23rd, 1889 in Odesa.

Died March 5th, 1966 at 76 years old in Domodedovo (infarction). [ref]

Arnold J. Toynbee

British historian (1889-1975).

Born April 14th, 1889 in London. [ref]

Died October 22nd, 1975 at 86 years old in York. [ref]

Thomas Midgley

American chemist (1889-1944).

Born May 18th, 1889 in Beaver Falls.

Died November 2nd, 1944 at 55 years old in Worthington (strangling).

Louise Mountbatten

Queen consort of sweden.

Born July 13th, 1889 in Darmstadt. [ref]

Died March 7th, 1965 at 75 years old in Stockholm. [ref]

Han van Meegeren

Dutch painter and art forger (1889-1947).

Born October 10th, 1889 in Deventer. [ref]

Died December 30th, 1947 at 58 years old in Amsterdam (myocardial infarction). [ref]

Victor Fleming

American film director, cinematographer, and producer (1889-1949).

Born February 23rd, 1889 in Pasadena.

Died January 6th, 1949 at 59 years old in Cottonwood (myocardial infarction). [ref]

birthdays 21 to 30 of 556

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1890 »

Let us never know what old age is. Let us know the happiness time brings, not count the years. Ausonius