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Michael Rooker

American actor.

Born April 6th, 1955 (age 69 years) in Jasper. [ref]

actor, film actor, film producer, karateka, television actor

Happy 69th birthday to the one and only Michael Rooker! 🎉🎈🎂 It's hard to believe that you've been gracing us with your awesomeness for almost seven decades now. From saving the galaxy as Yondu to terrorizing the prison as Merle, you've shown us time and time again that age is just a number. Keep on rocking and rolling, birthday boy! May this year bring you even more epic roles and memorable moments. Cheers to you, old timer! 😉

Our wrinkles are our medals of the passage of life. They are what we have been through and who we want to be. Lauren Hutton