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June 18th

424 Notable birthdays

Arvind Swamy

Indian film actor, model, entrepreneur, and television presenter.

Born June 18th, 1970 (age 53 years) in Chennai.

Ray LaMontagne

American singer-songwriter.

Born June 18th, 1974 (age 49 years) in Nashua. [ref]

Moeen Ali

England cricketer (born 1987).

Born June 18th, 1987 (age 36 years) in Birmingham.

Jacob Anderson

English actor and singer.

Born June 18th, 1990 (age 33 years) in London.

Alex Roe

British actor (born 1990).

Born June 18th, 1990 (age 33 years) in Westminster. [ref]

Alana de la Garza

American actress.

Born June 18th, 1976 (age 47 years) in Columbus.

Meaghan Rath

Canadian actress.

Born June 18th, 1986 (age 37 years) in Montreal.

Itziar Ituño

Spanish actress.

Born June 18th, 1974 (age 49 years) in Basauri. [ref]

Richard Boone

American actor.

Born June 18th, 1917 in Los Angeles.

Died January 10th, 1981 at 63 years old in St. Augustine (pneumonia, head and neck cancer, esophageal cancer).

Bruiser Brody

American professional wrestler (1946-1988).

Born June 18th, 1946 in Detroit.

Died July 17th, 1988 at 42 years old in Bayamón (stab wound).

birthdays 21 to 30 of 424

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06/19 »

The day which we fear as our last is but the birthday of eternity. Lucius Annaeus Seneca