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May 4th

434 Notable birthdays

Rocco Siffredi

Italian pornographic actor (born 1964).

Born May 4th, 1964 (age 59 years) in Ortona.

Victor Oladipo

American basketball player.

Born May 4th, 1992 (age 31 years) in Silver Spring.

Kimora Lee Simmons

American model.

Born May 4th, 1975 (age 48 years) in New York City.

Katherine Jackson

Matriarch of the jackson musical family.

Born May 4th, 1930 (age 93 years) in Barbour County.

Keith Haring

American artist and social activist (1958–1990).

Born May 4th, 1958 in Reading. [ref]

Died February 16th, 1990 at 31 years old in Manhattan (death from AIDS-related complications). [ref]

Lance Bass

American singer, dancer, actor, and film and television producer.

Born May 4th, 1979 (age 44 years) in Laurel.

Richard Jenkins

American actor.

Born May 4th, 1947 (age 76 years) in DeKalb.

Alex Lawther

British actor.

Born May 4th, 1995 (age 28 years) in Petersfield. [ref]

Hosni Mubarak

Egyptian president and politician (1928-2020).

Born May 4th, 1928 in Kafr el-Muṣīlḥa.

Died February 25th, 2020 at 91 years old in Cairo (surgical complications). [ref]

Shameik Moore

American actor.

Born May 4th, 1995 (age 28 years) in Atlanta.

birthdays 11 to 20 of 434

« 05/03
05/05 »

Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! Dr. Seuss