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February 26th

477 Notable birthdays


Portuguese association football player.

Born February 26th, 1983 (age 41 years) in Maceió.

Emmanuel Adebayor

Togolese association football player.

Born February 26th, 1984 (age 40 years) in Lomé.

Brian Shaw

American professional strongman.

Born February 26th, 1982 (age 42 years) in Colorado.

Mark Dacascos

American actor and martial artist.

Born February 26th, 1964 (age 60 years) in Honolulu.

Fats Domino

American pianist and singer (1928–2017).

Born February 26th, 1928 in New Orleans.

Died October 24th, 2017 at 89 years old in Harvey (organ dysfunction). [ref]

James B. Donovan

American diplomat and politician.

Born February 26th, 1916 in The Bronx. [ref]

Died January 19th, 1970 at 53 years old in Brooklyn (infarction).

Jennifer Grant

American actress.

Born February 26th, 1966 (age 58 years) in Burbank.

Nate Ruess

American singer-songwriter.

Born February 26th, 1982 (age 42 years) in Iowa City. [ref]

Steve Blake

American basketball player.

Born February 26th, 1980 (age 44 years) in Hollywood.

William Frawley

Actor (1887-1966).

Born February 26th, 1887 in Burlington.

Died March 3rd, 1966 at 79 years old in Hollywood (myocardial infarction).

birthdays 11 to 20 of 477

« 02/25
02/27 »

A birth-date is a reminder to celebrate the life as well as to update the life. Amit Kalantri