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February 14th

516 Notable birthdays

Sushma Swaraj

Indian politician (1952-2019).

Born February 14th, 1952 in Ambala Cantonment.

Died August 6th, 2019 at 67 years old in New Delhi (cardiac arrest). [ref]

Florence Henderson

American actress and singer (1934-2016).

Born February 14th, 1934 in Dale. [ref]

Died November 24th, 2016 at 82 years old in Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (heart failure, myocardial infarction). [ref]

Steve McNair

American football quarterback (1973-2009).

Born February 14th, 1973 in Mount Olive.

Died July 4th, 2009 at 36 years old in Nashville (ballistic trauma). [ref]

Vic Morrow

American actor (1929-1982).

Born February 14th, 1929 in The Bronx.

Died July 23rd, 1982 at 53 years old in Valencia (decapitation). [ref]

Drew Bledsoe

American football player, quarterback.

Born February 14th, 1972 (age 52 years) in Ellensburg.

Jake Lacy

American actor.

Born February 14th, 1985 (age 39 years) in Greenfield.


American magician.

Born February 14th, 1948 (age 76 years) in Philadelphia.

Rob Thomas

American singer.

Born February 14th, 1972 (age 52 years) in Landstuhl.

Meg Tilly

American-canadian actress.

Born February 14th, 1960 (age 64 years) in Long Beach.

Jim Kelly

American football quarterback.

Born February 14th, 1960 (age 64 years) in Pittsburgh.

birthdays 11 to 20 of 516

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02/15 »

Don't just count your years, make your years count. George Meredith